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945 :名無しのヘラヘラ (プッチョイ AoOz-Q5.Y):2024/07/23(火) 19:22:24.61 ID:q1hPXlOI
17. In-app Advertisement
- An in-app advertisement feature where you can obtain various rewards for watching advertisements has been added.
- An in-app advertisements can be viewed through the Store > Resource tab and Mailbox.
- 'Watch 1 ad.' is added to daily missions.
- Each reward is obtained based on the number of times an in-app ad is viewed (maximum number of views per day: 4)
ㄴ 1st: Stamina x 30
ㄴ 2nd: Magic Metal x 10
ㄴ 3rd: Free Gem x 60
ㄴ 4th: Hero Crystal x 1
- When you watch an ad in your mailbox, you can obtain x30 Stamina, x10 Magic Metal, x60 Free Gem, and x1 Hero Crystal randomly.
※ The number of ad views in your mailbox is reset at midnight.
※ Rewards are sent after the ad has been viewed. The number of daily ad views will be deducted when rewards are sent.
※ If you are in a region that requires consent to view advertisements, you must select 'Agree' in the pop-up that appears.

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