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375 :名無しの分析員@アフィ転載禁止 (プッチョイ EZvd-A95p):2024/11/08(金) 02:10:24.76 ID:4YIt50ro
1. There are multiple occurrences of our old taboo number 01, both in CG and in the story text, and they are very intentional.
2. CN player base are very unsatisfied with the story writing this time. They think the writing has many blue ball moments and doesnt align with the current harem route.
3. This is the most serious problem. The words 89-year after-sales appears in the deion of nuFrits sig. This is a very explicit reference to that very sensitive political event in China, and this thing along could lead CCP to punish or even turn down Snowbreak. This is a very serious political taboo in China.
Those three things combined show that someone in Seaslugs writing and art team really really want this game to die.



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