825 :1/10500のボンプ with Tencent@ヤングース ☭:2024/10/01(火) 22:33:38.76 ID:???
>>818 The last 4 days do not count. The page was dated September 26th and immediately moved to October 1st. I suppose those 4 days will count for the next month.ンナ
826 :1/10500のボンプ with Tencent@チリーン ☭:2024/10/01(火) 22:34:19.82 ID:???
ゼンゼロの落ちぶれ方が一番やばくて草 300億円も落ちるってやばいだろンナ
827 :1/10500のボンプ with Tencent@ハスブレロ ☭:2024/10/01(火) 22:34:29.65 ID:???
828 :1/10500のボンプ with Tencent@ダダリン ☭:2024/10/01(火) 22:34:31.20 ID:???