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79 :名無しの開拓者@アフィ転載禁止【レベル:44】 pw126255217252.9.panda-world.ne.jp (ブチパンダ 6RW4-AJjW) (p):2024/09/15(日) 15:25:50.03 ID:Q2iTvE9k
I can't believe I'm saying this but...
Jade is currently the one who can clear the new 4M HP boss at the lowest cost (4 cost if Robin E1, 6 cost no limited eidolon, E1 Bronya only), even if letting other DPS uses sustainless comp.
Acheron is currently sitting at 5 cost with Robin E1 and 6 cost no limited eidolon.
Keep in mind this boss is weak to lightning, not quantum.
Feixiao, damage-wise, 5 cost should be enough, but survivability and enemy mechanic is an issue. E2 might change that, or even drop it to 4 cost. But I want to keep that as last resort.
Rappa and FF need at least E2, that's for sure. But even then, their premium team with RM, HMC, LS is struggle to 0 cycle. With Bronya and some speed tuning, things might change.
The keyword is "currently".

READ.CGI - 0ch+ BBS 0.7.5 20220323 (Tuned by イーブイワイ★)