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544 :名無しの先生@アフィ転載禁止 (ゼクレシ snIN-gSk9) (a):2024/05/30(木) 18:37:20.56 ID:Xz6y+SBk

White woman gives birth to black baby, blames husband for chatting with a black Woman

This is a real story that happened in a Spanish hospital last Monday when a white woman was
giving birth with her husband present in the delivery room.

The labour was going smoothly until the baby appeared, causing great confusion.

First the medical team thought the baby was darker because of a respiratory failure but when the
whole body came out they realized the baby was a healthy little black boy.

The exhausted mother opened her arms to receive her newborn son and when she had it on her
chest, she immediately yelled at her husband: “You bastard, I knew you were cheating me! Look what you’ve done, go away!”

The mother started to cry so she automatically won the argument and the husband just stood
speechless in this unexpected situation.

The medical team had to respect the woman’s desire so they invited the man to leave while struggling to hold their laughs.


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