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【ブルアカ】ブルーアーカイブ -Blue Archive- ぷにぷに ☆525

84 :名無しの先生@アフィ転載禁止@【残高:441,205₱】 (プッチョイ IjZM-QM/m):2023/10/29(日) 00:17:49.66 ID:3mk/LykM
Dear Hifumi

Hello. This is the first time I've ever written a letter like this so I'm a little nervous.
But there's a lot I've been wanting to say to you, so I'm working up the courage to do it.
From the time first started playing Blue Archive, and even nowas we approach our 2-Year Anniversary.
I'm more attached to you than any other character listen to the BGM called Hifumi Daisuki in particular a lot.

Our first encounter happened via a pink envelope for my very first draw.
When first saw you, I thought you were just an ordinary student who liked ordinary merch.
But over timethrough our Relationship Stories, I realized that you genuinely loved the Momo Friends merchandise and that you were a really nice student who listened to other friendsproblems!
Over time, we've been together for Missions 1 through 21 without missing a single one, and it felt great to defeat the other students with Peroro Summons and and Crusadie!
There were times when we didn't have the best Synergy, and it was challenging.
But think even that taught me that challenges could be overcome through various strategies!

Also, the congratulations and gifts such as the Peroro Chocolate that I received on my birthday, Valentine's Day, and other special occasions made me so happy!
It was great to be able to wish you a happy birthday on November 27, Hifumi, and to reflect on all the things that we've been through.
There were so many other things that happenedbut if had to pick one I remember most, it was you riding a truck with the Make-Up Work Club students to see the Sensei July last yearIt was so much fun!

Your cheerful demeanor comforts me when I'm having a hard timeand helps me think more positively when something good happensI believe that even if something bad happens, I can work through it if it's with you, Hifumi.
Our Relationship Rank is only about 120 altogetherbut hope we can be together until the day we reach 200!

A Sensei Who Likes Hifumi

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